What’s On in Alcester

Alcester – The Festival Town

Alcester is famous for its extensive year round events programme! Nearly all the events and festivals take place on the main High Street. We hold annual Pancake Races, spring & autumn Food Festivals, Town Crier Championships, Alcester Motor Show, Court Leet Street Market, The Mop, St Nicolas Night Celebrations and a whole host more.

Alcester Food Festival

The Jewel in our calendar is the Alcester Food Festival, that takes place twice yearly in May and October. The events take place in the historic and attractive centre of the town of Alcester; filling the High Street, Church Street and Henley Street with a wide range of fabulous food and drink stalls.
The festival regularly attracts in excess of 10,000 visitors to the town, boasts free park and ride and free visitor entry and is a simply fabulous day out for all the family.

Check it out in more detail at  www.alcesterfoodfestival.org.uk

Alcester Motor Show

July 2018 saw the very first Alcester Motor Show. The length of the High St and Church St was lined with one hundred pre-war, post war and modern vintage vehicles, the earliest dating back to 1912!  The sun shone and we saw thousands of visitors flock from across the country into the town centre. So successful was this event, that we have already booked a date for next year so put Sunday 21st July 2019 in your diary!

Follow @alcestermotorshow on Facebook for more information!

Alcester Annual Street Market

In June of every year the Alcester Court Leet organise a themed Street Market that is held in the High Street.  Stallholders and visitors are invited to dress up and take part in the fancy dress parade that opens the market. As well as a wide range of charitable stalls and local traders selling everything from food and beer to plants and toys, there are rides for the children. The highlight is the live music! Bands of every genre play throughout the day and into the early evening, the is dancing and merriment across all ages. The sun usually blesses us with good weather and thousands of visitors flock from across the country to join in with our traditional annual bash! 

Keep an eye on the Court Leet website for more details.

Ragley Hall

A mere mile from the town centre is Ragley Hall. They have an incredible events calendar including The Game Fair, Camper Calling, Classic Ibiza, Fireworks Championships, Midlands Air Festival and Kirstie Allsopp’s Handmade Fair. Follow our events calendar for details of everything they have coming up and visit their website for more details www.ragley.co.uk

For a more comprehensive list of all our events both community and public visit www.whatsonalcester.co.uk